Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Introducing the Reality Blog

The time is here for people to come together in reality. Whether in society at large, in the judicial system, politics, environment, etc., people have come to a point where ideology and sensibilities are preventing unity and progress.

Ideology and sensibilities have cost America and the world dearly. The current U.S. President, George W. Bush, is a man driven by ideology. This has caused no end of grief and division for the people of the United States of America and the world. However, this man could be a great man and do much for the conservatives of America and for the world, if he could grasp reality and use it to define and accomplish his goals.

The issues of our day have divided us along the lines of our sensibilities and ideologies. It is time for idealogues everywhere and those guided by their sensibilties to stand down and take a rest. People who will lay aside their ideologies and sensibilities will become realists when they see the merits and benefits of realism.

To bring these benefits to bear, I have to start with some sort of example. Let's take, for instance, same-sex marriage. I have no use for it, personally. Two men kissing offends my sensibilities. In order to be a realist though, I have to recognize that it is my sensibilities that are offended. With others, their ideology is offended. They believe that marriage is a sacred institution and therefore their ideology is compromised if same-sex marriage is allowed.

When we put aside sensibilities and ideology and look at reality we see that we have made stringent laws protecting gays against discrimination and against hate crimes. In our quest for fairness and equality we have written them into the law.

In light of this fact, if we embrace reality, the reality of the situation is that they should be equal. They should be allowed to marry. It is inherently wrong to forever banish them to a life of illicit or sub-standard relationships.

We must put aside sensibilities and ideologies which prevent us embracing reality. The reality of the situation is that marriage is a legal contract with the state. We must allow gay people to devote themselves one to another "forsaking all others" and permit them to enter into that contract as equals with the rest of society.

The reality of the situation is that they are here and here to stay. Another reality is that we, mankind, have no power to profer the blessing of any deity on any person. An individual may hold a Bible and/or wear a robe, but he or she still remains without that power.

To summarize, though it may offend sensibilities and ideologies, these two have no place in the laws, courts, and politics of man. Reality demands that we lay the two aside and allow same-sex marriage equality though it may offend our sensibilities and ideology.

This is my first example of allowing reality to take the lead in resolving the conflicts of our nation and perhaps the world. I am by no means an advocate of same-sex marriage and neither am I gay.

There are many examples left to follow. It is my hope that my assertion will find an audience and take root. My one consideration I ask of all who may comment, is that prior to commenting you take stock and purge yourself of sensibilities and ideology. Thank you.

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